Customized services
How can we help?
We take the necessary time to understand what is happening in the body and life of those who come to the clinic. A patient is not just a symptom; they are a person with an environment, aspirations, desires, and needs, including being treated with dignity, empathy, and professionalism.
Treating a person without understanding what is happening to them is like driving without a destination; you may end up somewhere nice, or you may get lost and take a long time to find your way home. Similarly, we will not apply any technique, whether it's a massage or another therapy like acupuncture, stretching, exercise, etc., without a clear reason and a prior evaluation justifying it.
Among the basic principles of every health professional is what is known as "Primum non nocere" (First, do no harm), which means not using techniques and maneuvers "recklessly," no matter how harmless they may seem, without justification. We always seek to achieve the best result in the shortest possible time, and if we believe it is necessary for another health professional to address the problem you present to us, we will indicate which professional to consult; whether it be a doctor, psychologist, podiatrist, or another specialist, so that you can take the most suitable path towards your own health.
We have more power than we think to change our circumstances and achieve more health and well-being. Some changes in lifestyle, whether big or sometimes very small, can make a difference, and we will encourage you to be an active participant in your overall improvement.
Long-term health
Health is not just a pain reliever to get by or a massage to endure work and keep going; it is a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual state that allows us to navigate through life and adapt to it without losing our balance, without losing joy, and taking care of ourselves. If you find that the same problems arise again and again, or if people around you say it's normal to have that pain or discomfort, or that everyone has some pain, perhaps it's time to take a look and find out what the cause is, how to improve the symptoms, and what strategy can help you maintain the results achieved. That's what we're here for.
Physiotherapy encompasses more than you think
From physiotherapy and traditional Chinese medicine, some of these conditions are cured and resolved, while in other cases, we focus on treating the consequences and sequelae of these diseases that fall within our scope.
If you suffer from any condition on this list, ask us, and we will inform you about how we can help you in your case. And if you don't have a diagnosis yet, we will help you find the answers you are looking for.
Stroke, Traffic accidents, Tinnitus, Locomotor disorders, Anxiety, Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Asthma, Ataxia, Movement disorders, Bruxism, Bursitis, Capsulitis, Headache, Neck pain, Sciatica, Tennis elbow, Rotator cuff tear, Contractures, Depression, Cerebrovascular accident, Meniscus displacement, TMJ dysfunction, Back pain, Chronic pain, Dorsalgia, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), Neurological diseases, Rheumatic diseases, Traumatic injuries, Emphysema, Epicondylitis, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), Scleroderma, Multiple sclerosis, Scoliosis, Sprains, Ankylosing spondylitis, Spondylolisthesis, Vertebral stenosis, Stress, Plantar fasciitis, Fibromyalgia, Fractures, Knee pain, Hemiplegia, Disc herniation, Frozen shoulder, Stroke, Insomnia, Labyrinthitis, Hip injuries, Spinal injuries, Shoulder injuries, Hand injuries, Pelvic injuries, Spinal cord injuries, Elbow injuries, Foot injuries, Lymphedema, Low back pain, Dislocations, Meniscectomy, Myasthenia gravis, Migraines, Pneumonia, Pneumothorax, Neuralgias, Osteoporosis, Facial paralysis, Parkinson's disease, Cavus foot, Athlete's foot, Flat feet, Post-Covid-19 complications, Peripheral circulation problems, Sciatic nerve problems, Pubalgia, Reduced respiratory capacity, Muscle tear, Sarcoidosis, Cushing's syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Guillain-Barré syndrome, Marfan syndrome, Reiter's syndrome, Sjögren's syndrome, Wolfram syndrome, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Syringomyelia, Temporomandibular disorders, Tendinitis, Tendinosis, Tenosynovitis, Torticollis, Balance disorders, Valgus deformity, Vertigo.